1. General Information
a. Felsefix is an international peer-reviewed open access academic journal that publishes scientific articles, interviews, translations, introductory articles, unpublished symposium proceedings, etc. The place of publication is Odunpazarı / Eskişehir, TURKEY. Started in 2024, Felsefix is published twice a year (June-December). Special issues or additional issues can be published by the decision of the editorial board when necessary.
b. Authors cannot submit more than one article for the same issue.
c. Manuscripts submitted for publication must contain original research results and must not have been published or applied for publication anywhere before, and this must be confirmed by the authors' declaration. The content of the study must comply with the principles stated in the "Purpose and Scope" section of the journal. Studies that do not comply with this scope will be returned to the authors after preliminary review.
d. The publication language is Turkish and English. Studies in different languages may be included in the journal in line with the positive opinion of the editorial board of the journal.
e. It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain the "Ethics Committee Approval" document for studies requiring Ethics Committee approval and to submit it at the application stage.
f. All scientific, ethical and legal responsibility for the studies submitted for publication belongs to the authors.
g. Felsefix adopts the policies and follows the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which is recognized as an international standard on publication ethics in all processes carried out and in the context of Author, Reviewer, Editor, Publisher and Reader responsibilities.
h. All works accepted to Felsefix are checked through plagiarism programs (iThenticate). The matches resulting from the plagiarism check are analyzed and a plagiarism report is generated. Studies with a similarity rate above 20% are not accepted for publication.
i. In terms of spelling and punctuation, the spelling guide of the Turkish Language Association should be taken as basis, except when the article or the subject requires a difference.
j. In the studies uploaded to the journal system, in accordance with the double blind review process, information about the authors and their identities should not be included. In terms of the confidentiality of the identity of the authors, during the first submission, information about the studies produced as a result of thesis, project, etc. and the contributing institutions should be avoided in footnotes and acknowledgments; such statements should be added at the publication stage if the referee process is positive.
k. The imprint information of the authors (article title, academic title, name-surname, affiliated institution, ORCID address, e-mail and postal addresses and telephone number of the authors) should be uploaded to the system as a separate file (Article Cover File). If the submitted study has more than one author, the authors' names should be listed in order of their contribution to the study.
l. The word count of the article, including abstracts, main text and references, should not exceed 10,000 words.
m. Manuscripts to be submitted to Felsefix for publication must comply with Chicago Style (Notes and Bibliography).
n. Articles to be uploaded to the journal system should not contain headers, footers and page numbers. The articles should include the most appropriate title in Turkish and English, an abstract of at least 500 words in Turkish and English, keywords in Turkish and English consisting of 5 to 8 words, and a bibliography organized according to the author's surname.
2. Page Layout and Spelling
a. Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word and the page layout and format of the manuscript should be arranged as follows:
Paper Size A4
Top Margin Gap 4 cm
Bottom Edge Gap 3 cm
Left Margin 3 cm
Right Margin 3 cm
Font Calibri
Main Text 11 pt, justified
Footnote 9 pt, justified
Paragraph Spacing 6 pt before - 0 pt after
Line Spacing Single (1)
b. Title: The main title of the article should be written in 14 pt, capitelized and bolded, and the English title should be written in 12 pt, capitalized and bolded.
c. Section Headings: They should be written in bold 11-point font, aligned with the paragraph introduction. In order to provide an organized transfer of information in the article; introduction, main, intermediate and subheadings can be included. Except for Introduction, Conclusion and Bibliography, intermediate and subheadings should be used by giving numbers.
d. Abstract: At the beginning of the article, there should be an abstract of at least 500 words in Turkish and in English, which briefly and concisely expresses the subject. Turkish and English keywords consisting of 5 to 8 words should be given below the abstract. The abstract and abstract section should be written in 9 font size and italicized, 1 line spacing.
e. Main Text: It should be written on A4 size (29.7×21 cm.) paper, vertically, in MS Word program, in Calibri font, 11 pt. and single-spaced, justified. Page layout should be as specified.
f. Footnote and Citation: All information in the footnote should be typed in Calibri font, 8 pt, 1 line spacing, justified. If the part directly quoted in the text is shorter than three lines, it should be enclosed in double quotation marks; if it is more than three lines, it should be given as a separate paragraph and the relevant paragraph should be written in Calibri font in 10 pt, single-spaced, justified, and indented one centimeter from the right and left.
g. Tables and Figures: The tables to be used in the study should be prepared in MS-Word format by selecting the "Insert Table" option. Tables should be prepared in vertical form and centered as much as possible. Tables should not exceed a single page and their total size should not be larger than the printable area in line with the page structure of the journal; while calculating the table size, the table caption and footnotes (if any) to be used in the table should be adjusted to be displayed on the same page. Tables to be used in the text should be abbreviated as Tab. and numbered in a continuous manner. References to tables in the text should be indicated in parentheses as (Tab. 1). The positioning of the tables in the text should be made so that they immediately follow the first referenced paragraph. Explanatory information about the tables used in the study should be given at the end of the main text under the heading "Table List"; in this section, following the table number, the table description (table subtitle) and the source used when necessary should be shown in accordance with the footnote system and the sources used should be added to the "References" list.
h. Visual Material: For all visual materials to be used in the study (maps, drawings, plans, figures, photographs, etc.), only the abbreviation Fig. should be used and numbered in a continuous manner. References to visual materials in the text should be indicated in parentheses as (Fig. 1). If there are parts and/or elements in the figures that need to be numbered differently, they should be indicated as a, b, c using lower case letters and referenced in the text as (Fig. 1, a; Fig. 3, b-d). When preparing visual materials, in terms of optimum space utilization, elements such as frames and/or margins should not be used. Figures should be centered on the page layout, and their horizontal and vertical dimensions should not exceed 14.6 and 19.5 cm, respectively, in line with the printable page size. Descriptive information about the visual materials used in the study should be given at the end of the main text under the heading "Figure List"; in this section, following the figure number, the visual description (figure caption) and the source used should be shown in accordance with the footnote system and the sources used should be added to the "References" list.
i. Footnotes and Bibliography: For more details see Chapter 14 of The Chicago Manual of Style.